Python Mercenaries

Terminal Labs is coming to PyTexas 2023

written by Joseph Nix on 2023-03-29

Hi everyone!

I'm looking forward to PyTexas this year. Terminal Labs is a top sponsor of the conference this year, and I have a speaking slot on April 2, at 11:45am to talk about a fun new library I made for better general handling of deep collections, contrasting to the familiar dotty dict and the more recent python-benedict libraries.

It is an honor to be able to support Python, and our regional Python community by sponsoring the conference.

My talk about Deep Collections I know will be a lot of fun. It's not every project there's a good reason to use some of the patterns needed to make a generalized deep collection type, and we'll go over some of them in the talk. And I know that Deep Collections actually provides value, too, because we're using it for some internal Terminal Labs projects. I really enjoy writing libraries intended to be general purpose, and this one's been on my mind for years. I'm sure it will be useful.

Come on by and say hi! We can talk about deep_collections, Python generally, business, or anything else. See you soon!

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